A thousand steps led to one step.... Christ

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Healing of Hypothyroidism

November 10, 2009

This is strange. It has been hard to tell people about this. Why? People reject hearing about an absolute, in-your-face miracle of healing by the hand of God. It is amazing!

This is one of those.

God has healed my hypothyroidism.

When I told someone about it, she said, “well, it won’t always be that way. You’ll probably still need to take Synthroid someday.” Great. Great response to a tangible miracle. Why is it that people reject something so amazing?

Only months ago, a doctor had found that my thyroid level was low, which is indicated by a thing called TSH. When the TSH level is high, that means that your thyroid is low.

My TSH level was 7.45, and the normal range is between 0.2-4.5. My doctor prescribed Synthroid, but I wrote her a letter saying I would not be taking Synthroid, and that Jesus Christ still heals today.

She had already sent me a prescription for Synthroid, and ordered another test of my thyroid level two months later, perhaps thinking I was, in fact, taking Synthroid.

I went in for the test, but not until I first went for healing prayer to the healing rooms in Brooklyn Center, MN. I had hands laid on me and I was anointed with oil for healing. I also read scriptures on healing and prayed to the Lord for healing.

I got the test back and it proved that the Lord had done the first truly tangible, physical miracle in my life! My TSH had gone down. It was now 5.58.

My insurance was going to end and so I wanted another test done before I was not going to be able to get more tests done. I got another test about two months later. I had been prayed for again at the healing rooms, and by other healing ministers, and continued to read healing scriptures out loud and pray.

The test came back. The Lord had done it again. Now my TSH had gone down yet farther. It was now 5.37! At the level it is now, the doctor merely says, “slightly elevated, stable.” I don’t know if the doctor realizes that I’m not taking Synthroid, but she didn’t prescribe Synthroid.

Now, I will believe God for my TSH to go all the way to normal.

Question not if the Lord wants to heal you! I don’t.


  1. Thanks bala - my comments on this site are little to none, so it's appreciated!

  2. I sent you an email. Love your site: ) You said you left a comment to a prayer request I sent to you, but I can't seem to find it. I am so glad you contacted me on moveNprayer. Look fwd to hearing from you!

  3. I'm not sure now where that prayer request or where that comment are. Did you put the prayer request on a post as a comment? Which post? Did you send as an email? I'm not sure what we're talking about.



  4. I am already married happily when I was diagnosed with hypothyroid 8 months ago with TSH 8 and cholesterol level is around 278.... all of which are the reverse effect of being a hypothyroid patient. I am taking natural supplements thyroid for 6 months and I feel much better now.

  5. That's good Russell. I am just so happy that with God's healing, I can experience wholeness without medication. I pray for that for you. God bless. Love, Gab

  6. Wow this is awesome! I pray the lord wool heal me to and when I go back in two months for my level checks my doctor will take me off meds! Thanks for telling me about your blog it has raised my hope.

  7. Michelle - I pray for you for healing too - by His stripes you ARE healed! Jesus redeemed you from the curse, having become a curse - he redeemed you from the curse of sin and death, and the curse of sickness which is a result of sin in the world. I am so glad this has helped you. Confess scriptures on healing. It will help you to heal. Blessings! Gabrielle!


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